Hall Contracting has recently been engaged by BAC to undertake the construction of a seawall and site access roads. This project is part of Phase 2 of the $1.35 billion New Parallel Runway project. The contract involves the construction of up to 1720m of seawall to protect the existing Cribb Island foreshore at the northern end of the NPR.
This rocked structure will extend from Old Cribb Island Jetty to the Fire Training Area, including a new beach access ramp within the seawall rock structure for emergency service vehicles. It also incorporates an upgrade of the existing beach access to the west of Old Cribb Island Jetty.
The site access roadworks require approximately 1km of new sealed site access road within the overall NPR project footprint. This is an extension to the current site road network, and includes a new heavy vehicle slip lane and off-ramp structure to provide a direct link from Moreton Drive to the NPR site.